I was feeling particular low on Thursday, but soon brightened up when the post arrived with the proofs and cover of next book to be published, The Story of Pembrokeshire. This is always an exciting time for a writer when at last you see something in print for all your hard work. Guess what I will be doing over the weekend?
It is a while since I submitted the manuscript for The Story of Pembrokeshire, so am enjoying reading it with 'fresh eyes' so to speak. I am very pleased with the cover, and I am sure you will agree that it is very pleasing to the eye. I am also delighted to learn that this new edition is to include two sets of 16 pages of colour photographs, making 32 in all, as well as numerous black and white photographs. It was a joy researching this edition - the first edition being in print since 1993 - and I am sure it is going to bring back many happy memories to readers who trekked along the coastal path or climbed yet another hill to photograph a standing stone, or went in search of the mysterious blue stones that found their way to Stonehenge. I hope new readers will find it interesting and informative. It has already brought back memories for me of several weeks in the area, and early morning walks to a monument only to discover that the sun was in the wrong direction for a good photograph! As the back cover blurb states: Where in the midst of commercialism can one find peace, tranquility and paradise for nature lovers? Where else but Pembrokeshire: an area that rose from the sea over a thousand million years ago, and has since played host to pagan warriors, Celtic fort-builders, Welsh princes, swashbuckling pirates, Manx shearwaters and the Grey Atlantic seal. In this book Wendy Hughes has combined her unique blend of history, legends, and notorious characters to bring together a tale that will leave the reader spell-bound until the last page is turned. I hope I have done justice to such a unique area of Wales. Watch this space for more about this book, due for publication in May.
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